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Tour Huntsville to Toronto with a self-guided audio app and enjoy taking in the sights at your own pace. Enjoy the convenience of a tour that can be taken in either direction.

Connect your smartphone to your vehicle's stereo and make your drive come alive with this audio app tour that covers Toronto to Huntsville. Control where you start with a tour that can be taken in either direction.

Download your personal audio guide and transform your scenic drive into a sight-seeing, fact-finding, trivia-answering, family-friendly adventure. Let your audio guide point out must-see sights, parks, historical sites, tourist attractions, and recreation areas.

Learn about the Muskoka Steamships at the Gravenhurst Wharf, Lake Couchiching and Casino Rama. Hear more about places like Happy Valley, Sunset Drive-in, and Holland Marsh. Visit as many sights and attractions as you want.

Drive along and get a historical overview of the are. Listen to content about the original inhabitants and how the unique geography of the Muskoka area was formed. Find out about Samuel De Champlain, William Osler, Algonquin Park, historic Camp 20 and the devastating Barrie tornado.

Destination Covered : Toronto

Package Duration : 90 Days